Kamis, 15 November 2012

Pengenalan alat laboratorium


A.     TITLE                                      : RECOGNITION AND ANALISYS EQUIPMENT IMPLEMENT
B.     TO THE EFFECT                     :   Can identify tool and material that is utilized
C.     COGNITIVE BASIC                :   
Utilizing tool with really constitute requisite to get pickings that really on quantitative analisis. Make the point purpose that really it is imbedded on self of groundbreaking, for further attempt.
In pratikum this we are will study to know wield tool:
1.       Pipette
2.       Gourd metes out
3.       Buret
Pratikum coaches to:
1.       Choosing tool that really divides specific-purpose
2.       Checking its tool what works properly
3.       Clearing its tool
4.       Getting things square its tool for reagen one particular
5.       Utilizing its tool
A.     Base equipment
1.      Gourd metes out: 

 Utilized to mete out chemical substance volume in shaped molten on preparasi's process solution. This tool is available various size kind .

2.      Erlenmeyer:
as glass that its diameter gets onto gets little with scale along its wall. Its measure is beginning of 10 mL until 2 L. Function:
·         To keep and heats solution
·         Keeping all yielding filtrat winnow
·         Keeping all titran (solution that at titration) on titration process

3.      Cup glass

4.      Churn bar
Made from heatresistant glass, utilized to swirl liquid in chemical glass.
5.      Pipette

Tool to take liquid in number particular and also free measuring. Its type:
1.       Pipette as size as  : utilized to take liquid in number particular precisely, menggelembung's middle part.
2.       Fairish pipette  : as pipe of skinny with scale at along its wall. Behoof to measure and moves solution with volumed given precisely.
3.       Dropping pipette  : as pipe of little made from plastic or glass with its bottom tip meruncing and its settle tip draped rubber. Behoof to take liquid in little drip scale.
6.      Tubed brush

Tubed brush used to clears (wash) tube.
7.      Bottle sprays
As bottle tall gets made from close plastic. In function as place keeps aquades. Trick utilizes it by presses bottle until water body it come out.
8.      Ordinary funnel
Made from plastic or heatresistant glass and has form as glass get handle, consisting of funnel with stalking elongated and short. Trick utilizes it by places filter paper into glares that.  Function:   To screen half and half chemical with gravitational.
Trick utilizes it: 
Half and half that will come to pieces to insert over upstairs hole, valve in a state enclosed. Hold upper close, funnel held by right hand and left in horizontal position, that churn extraction happens properly. Open closes upper, put for underside solution via slow ala valve. Valves back close if substratum solution was outward.
9.      Filter paper

10.  Lithosphere paper
Constituting indicator gets little ply paper forms, red colored and blue. The other indicator available one gets to form moltens missal Phenolphtalein's indicator (PP), methyl orange (MO) etcetera. Constituting tool to measure or knows acidity zoom (pH) solution
Lithosphere is a paper of chemical material that on the turn color if is dyed into acid solution / basa. Resulting color really been regarded by rate Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. in aught solution.
All acid and basa has particular characters, are not all sour have same character and so do on basa. We have known that subdivided acid as two which is frail acid and strength acids, and so do basa, there is basa heavy duty and basa rans down. Sour force or basa depends of how a compound be described in ion ion forming if that compound is deep water. Acid or basa also gets electrolyte character, hantar's energy electrolyte solution hinges on ion ion concentration in solution. Strong electrolyte if gets most perfect ala ionization so big relative ion concentration, poor electrolyte if just plays favorites little only that gets most ionization, so few relative ion concentration. To know a solution comprises electrolyte or not get to utilize electrolyte assay tool or can also utilize tool pH is meter, and universal indicator  to know pH a straightforward solution so gets to be known if that solution included acid, basa or salt. pH's point is pointed out with scale, systematically with number 0 14.
Lithosphere paper color in larytan acid, larytan basa, and solution gets different neutral character. There is two lithosphere paper kinds, which is red lithosphere and blue lithosphere. Character of each that lithosphere paper following sbagai.
  1. Red colored acid solution deep red lithosphere and deep basa's solution blue chromatic and deep red colored neutral solution.
  2. Blue lithosphere in acid solution red colored and deep basa's solution blue chromatic and deep color neutral solution blue.
  3. Red colored acid solution deep red methyl and deep basa's solution rust colored and deep rust colored neutral solution.
  4. Jingga's methyl in acid solution red colored and deep basa's solution rust colored and deep rust colored neutral solution.
  5. Phenolphthalein in acid solution chromatic and deep basa's solution red colored and deep color neutral solution
11.  buret
As tubed as streaked glass and has faucet at its tip. Its measure is beginning of 5 and 10 mL (mikroburet) with scale 0,01 mL, and 25 and 50 mL with scale 0,05 mL.  Function:  To issue solution with volumed given, usually been utilized for titration.
Trick utilizes buret
As untapped as, buret shall be flushed by solution who will be utilized. Trick fills it:
Faucet is closed then solution is inserted from upper utilizes to glare glass. Don't fill buret with positioning its higher upper of our eye. Down buret and statifnya goes to that floor if there is solution which tumpah of funnel is not is spattered goes to eye. No until there is bubble which most living at underside buret. If have no bubble, faucet close. Hereafter fills buret until exceeds zero scale, then few faucet open to manage that liquid right on zero scale.

B.     Lurching symbol In Chemical
1.       Explosive  (get character easying to blow up) 

Code font: E
Material and formulation that marked by „explosive's danger notation “ gets to blow up by hit / bump, friction, instillation, fire and other spark source even without oxygen atmosferik. Explosion triggered by a hard reaction of material. Detached tall energy with propagasi moving air wave meteoric. Blasting jeopardy can be determined by method that is given in Law for Explosive Substances
At laboratory, half and half compound pengoksidasi heavy duty with inflammable material or material pereduksi can blow up. For example, acid nitrit can evoke explosion if reacts by severally solven as acetonic as, at ether ethyl, etanol, etc.. Production or works by material be easily blow up to require science and practical experience and also special safety. If works by that material amounts shall be looked after one little / little bit maybe good to handles and also stockpilings / reserves.  Phrase r for material is easily blow up: R1, R2 and R3. For example for material which is worded above is 2,4,6 - trinitro toluena (TNT)
2.       Oxidizing  (pengoksidasi) 
Code font: O
Materials and formulation that marked by „oxidizing's danger notation “ usually is not inflammable. But if contact with material inflammable or material so inflammable they can increase ala burnup jeopardy signifikan. In things they are material inorganic as salt as( salt like ) with pengoksidasi's character heavy duty and organic peroxides. Phrase r for pengoksidasi's material: R7, R8 and R9. That material example is klorat's potassium and potassium permanganate also stiff acid nitrit. 
3.       Extremely flammable  (vitally inflammable)
Code font:F +
Materials and formulation that marked by „extremely's danger notation flammable “ constitutes likuid who have flash point very low (under 0o c) and low boiling point with early boiling point (under + 35oC). Material vitally inflammable gaseous with air can form a mixture gets character easying to blow up under normal condition.  Phrase r for material vitally inflammable: R12. Material example with that character is at ether ethyl (liquid) and propane (gas).
4.       Highly flammable  (really inflammable)
Code font: F
Material and formulation marked by danger notation ‘ highly flammable ’ is subject for self heating and enkindling under condition of atmosferik ordinary, or they have low flash point (under + 21 o C ). Severally material so inflammable result gas that vitally inflammable under humidity influence. Materials that can be hot in midair on room temperature without energy supply affix and finally is a-fire, also been given tag as ‘ highly flammable ’ Phrase r for material so inflammable: R11. Material example with that character e.g. acetone and sodium metal, one that often been utilized at laboratory as solven and drain agent.
5.       Flammable  (inflammable) 

Code font: no
No danger symbol is required to melabeli material and formulation with lurching notation ‘ flammable ’. likuid's material and formulation that have flash point among + 21 o C and + 55 o C dikategorikan as material as inflammable( flammable ). Phrase r for inflammable material: R10. Material example with that character e.g. oil of turpentine.
6.       Very toxic  (really toxic) 

Code font: T +
Material and formulation that marked by danger notation ‘ very toxic ’ gets to cause acute health damage or chronic and even death on bottommost concentration if entering to body via inhalasi ,  via mouth( ingestion),  or contact with skinned. A dikategorikan's material so toxic if following criterion pock: 
1.      LD 50 oral  (mouse)  =  25 mg / kg body weight
2.      LD 50 dermal  (mouse or rabbit)  =  50 mg / kg body weight
3.      LC 50 pulmonary  (mouse) for aerosol / dust =  0,25 mg / l
4.      LC 50 pulmonary  (mouse) to gas / yawn =  0,50 mg / l
Phrase r for material so toxic: R26, R27 and R28. Material example with that character e.g. cyanide potassium, hydrogen is sulfide, nitrobenzene and atripin.
7.       Toxic  (toxic)
Code font: T
Material and formulation that marked by danger notation ‘ toxic ’ gets to cause acute health damage or chronic and even death on bottommost concentration if entering to body via inhalasi ,  via mouth( ingestion),  or contact with skinned. A dikategorikan's material toxic if following criterion pock: 
1.      LD 50 oral  (mouse) 25 – 200 mg / kg body weight
2.      LD 50 dermal  (mouse or rabbit) 50 – 400 mg / kg body weight
3.      LC 50 pulmonary  (mouse) for aerosol / dust 0,25 – 1 mg / l
4.      LC 50 pulmonary  (mouse) to gas / yawn 0,50 – 2 mg / l
Phrase r for toxic material: R23, R24 and R25
Material and formulation that have Karsinogenik's character (Phrase r:R45 and R40) Mutagenik (Phrase r:R47) Toksik to reproduce (Phrase r:R46 and R40) or character wreck the other chronic alae (Phrase r:R48) marked by danger symbol ‘ toxic substances ’ and T.'s font code Material karsinogenik can cause cancer or increasing arises it cancer if input goes to body via inhalasi, via mouth and contact with skinned. Material example with that character e.g. solven solven as methanol (toksik) and benzene (toksik, karsinogenik).
8.       Harmful  (dangerously)
Code font: Xn

Material and formulation that marked by danger notation ‘ harmful ’ has jeopardy to wreck health be if entering to body via inhalasi ,  via mouth( ingestion),  or contact with skinned. A dikategorikan's material dangerously if accomplish following criterion: 
1.       LD50 oral  (mouse) 200 - 2000 mg / kg body weight 7
2.       LD50 dermal  (mouse or rabbit) 400 - 2000 mg / kg body weight
3.       LC50 pulmonary  (mouse) for aerosol / dust 1 – 5 mg / l
4.       LC50 pulmonary  (mouse) to gas / yawn 2 – 20 mg / l
Phrase r for material dangerously: R20, R21 and R22. Material and formulation that have Karsinogenik's character (Phrase r:R45 and R40) Mutagenik (Phrase r:R47) Toksik to reproduce (Phrase r:R46 and R40) or character wreck the other chronic alae (Phrase r:R48) that don't be given toxic's notation, will be marked by danger symbol ‘ harmful substances ’ and font code x n . Predisposed material have karsinogenik's characters, will also be marked by danger symbol ‘ harmful substances ’ and font code x n , sensitizing material (sensitizing substances) (Phrase r:R42 and R43) given by spectra terminological tag effect if with lurching symbol for ‘ harmful substances ’ and Xn's font code or with lurching symbol ‘ irritant substances ’ and font code Xi. Predisposed material have character karsinogenik can cause cancer with tall probability via inhalasi, via mouth (ingestion) or contact with skinned. Material example that have that character e.g. solven 1,2 - etane 1,2 - diol or etilen glikol (dangerously) and diklorometan (dangerously, suspected by karsinogenik).
9.       Corrosive  (korosif)
Code font: C
Material and formulation with notation ‘ corrosive ’ is wreck life network. If a material wrecks health and quiz or character animal skin this gets to be predicted since material chemical characteristic quiz, as sour as (pH <2) dan basa (pH> 1,5 ), marked as korosif's material. Phrase r for korosif's material: R34 and R35. Material example with that character e.g. acid mineral as HCl and H2SO4 and also basa as NaOH's solution(>2%).
10.   Irritant  (causing iritasi)
Code font: Xi
Material and formulation with notation ‘ irritant ’ is not korosif but gets to cause inflammation if contact with skinned or mucous membrane. Phrase r for irritant's material: R36, R37, R38 and R41. Material example with that character e.g. isopropilamina, chloride and acid calcium and dilute basa.
11.   Perilous material for environmentally
Code font: N
Material and formulation with notation ‘ dangerous for environment ’ is get to cause effect suddenly or deep interrupts particular time on one environmental compartment or more (water, earth, air, plant, mikroorganisma) and causes Phrase ecology trouble r for material dangerously divides environmentally: R50, R51, R52 and R53. Material example that have that character e.g. tributil kloroda's tin, tetraklorometan, and hydrocarbon petroleum as pentana and gasoline petroleum.


Penuntun pratikum is DDKA'S chemical

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